Top 7 iOS 13 features

Top 7 iOS 13 features

iOS 13 is OUT and how can I not review it?! Though I have been using iOS 13 beta for a few months now, the stable version was released just a few hours ago and it is beautiful. Out of all the features that were released, these 7 features are the best which any iPhone user would undoubtedly love it!

Dark Mode

Finalyyyyy system-wide Dark mode is here on iOS. It’s completely black, and all of Apple’s first-party apps are supported. Even notifications and the dock get these new dark colors. The implementation is great. One feature everyone will like is how the wallpaper that you set changes with the dark theme. Third-party apps can support the new look as well, so developers of your favorite apps will be able to make use of the new theme changing within their own user interfaces.

Redesigned Photos App & Photo editing options

The Photos app is getting a new interface and will use machine learning to remove duplicates and clutter, like screenshots. On the first launch, it took a little while to get used to the new organization, but it is in many ways simpler and better organized. You can find all your videos in one place or all your selfies in a separate album. More importantly, though, the first page lets you sort photos, videos, and images by period. So you can have a daily look at the images, or you can switch it to weekly, monthly or yearly.

The editing tool got some serious updates. They’ve also extended it to videos as well, meaning at long last, you can finally rotate a video with ease. And video edits are non-destructive, just like how it works with photos.


From iOS 13, now apps need to request permission for accessing Bluetooth on your iPhone. This has brought to light, the apps which were using Bluetooth in the past without our knowledge. And for apps using location, you can choose to give your location data to an app “just once”.

with Apple

Apple introduces a new solution for social login. With Sign-in, Apple users can choose whether to share or restrict sharing their email id with the app developer. If the user decides not to share their real email, Apple will generate a random but a verified email address for the app that will route all the emails of the app to your original email address. The user can choose to disable this app email address at any time like how we do for spam emails.

Health App

Health App now has a bit of a visual revamp, bringing highlights of your progress right to the Summary screen. Here you can have a very good look at how you are doing compared to your average, and how many workouts you’ve done compared to the previous couple of weeks. Health App is now added with the ability to track the mensuration cycle. And you can get Fertile Window predictions too.

Find-My App

Apple has merged its Find My Friends and Find My iPhone apps into a single app called Find My. All of Apple’s tracking tools are in one place, so you can locate both missing devices and loved ones using the same interface. The new app can also locate devices that are offline - by sending a secure Bluetooth beacon to other Apple devices, then relaying it back to Apple, and to you. The app is split into two tabs: People and Devices. Where people tab shows friends and family and the device tab shows friends in your family.

Swipe Keyboard

Apple is updating its default keyboard with a new swiping function reminiscent of SwiftKey, Swype, Gboard, and others. Apple calls this the “Quick Path” keyboard. The way it works is really simple: just swipe between the letters you want to use to type a word, using a single thumb or finger. In theory, it enables much faster typing, once you get more accurate with it. If you’ve used it on third party keyboards before then it will much easier for you to use.

Apple always manages to find ways to punch up iOS in key areas, but it seems as though they’ve outdone themselves with iOS 13. Additions like Sign In with Apple and menstrual tracking in Health will be extremely valuable.

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